HLN's Past Projects

The Adaptive Farming Systems project funded by the Australian Government National Landcare Program provided a great opportunity for farmers to reflect on their management strategies for their production system … [view full article]

Starting on New Year’s Eve 2019, the Dunn’s Road and Green Valley fires burned 600 000 hectares across the Upper Murray and South West Slopes of NSW, and NE Victoria. Mountain Landcare, supported by HLN’s Local Landcare Facilitator for the region, has been … [view full article]

Back in 2020, Holbrook Landcare Network recognized that the model that has traditionally underpinned Landcare and environmental work on farm was changing – shifting from a funded grants and programs approach to a range of market-based approaches mostly based on carbon markets. … [view full article]

Holbrook Landcare identified from its members that there was a lack of options to disposal of on farm plastic waste, specifically silage wrap and twine. Current practices include burying or burning the toxic waste. Burning plastic waste releases harmful greenhouse gasses… [read case study]

‘Soil quality and health in pasture systems’ was a two year project funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program. In this project, Holbrook Landcare Network developed benchmark and extension information on quality and health for our local soils. … [view full article]

Holbrook Landcare Network acknowledges that our community is established on First Nations Peoples’ land and recognise that their cultural values and knowledge are critical to improving land, water, biodiversity and community connections. … [view full article]