HLN/MLA webinar Thursday 11 June, 7.30pm

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HLN/MLA webinar Thursday 11 June, 7.30pm

Are you getting value out of soil testing?  Do you need to revise your soil testing program?  Why soil sample? When, how and where should samples be taken? What can you do with the results that you get?  These issues and more will be covered by Sue Briggs (CSBP) and Jason Condon (Graham Centre -NSW DPI and CSU) in live presentation.

Further discussion will include:

  • Variability in the landscape and how information can be used to formulate a sampling strategy
  • A demonstration of CSBP DecipherAg; a web-based platform that records and saves all your soil sampling sites and results in one location as a way to take the complexity out of sampling and data management
Contact the HLN office for zoom link – 02 6036 3181 or email [email protected]
