Weather Stations

Holbrook Landcare has 4 weather stations in the area with the purpose of providing land managers with accurate, easily accessible, local data to enable more strategic management decisions on their farms. These weather stations now provide users with more accurate information on local soil water content and atmospheric conditions to assist with decisions regarding pasture management and fertilizer applications, therefore improving productivity, profitability and environmental outcomes.
Previously, weather data for the Holbrook region was gauged from information out of Albury. Now landholders have access to accurate and constant data recording, enabling current, weekly and monthly weather reports to be generated. The weather stations upload information to the HLN website every 10 minutes via a 4G modem. From a touch of a button, users can easily access information in the field or at the office.
Holbrook Landcare Networks three weather stations are located at:
- Little Billabong – Four Mile Lane
- Holbrook Airport
- Bowna – Wymah Rd
- Greg Greg – Tintaldra Rd / Tooma Rd intersection [NEW]

Check out our Robust Weather Stations Project
To view weather data at these locations head to the website or download the Goanna Telemetry App from one of the App stores.
Login using the following:
Username: holbrookweb
Password: Holl#454op!