Alison Southwell

Dr Alison Southwell Executive Officer Alison joined HLN in 2021 after a 19 year career as an agricultural scientist and lecturer at Charles Sturt University. Alison completed a PhD in native grassland ecophysiology before turning her attention to teaching and researching pasture management, agricultural systems and extension, workplace learning and curriculum design. In addition to […]
Property Mapping
Property Mapping Holbrook Landcare Network offers a farm/paddock mapping service for members only (a donation is encouraged). We can create, print and laminate A4 and A3 sized maps at the office. Larger sized maps (A2, A1, A0) can be created on request but these cannot be printed at the office. Mapping Options and Pricing: 1. […]
Landcare-Led Landscape Resilience – tools and data for restoration decisions
Trial and Demonstration Sites A local network of demonstration sites have been established utilising modern ‘best practice’ restoration and revegetation techniques. This will allow for the showcasing of the positive economic, production and environmental impacts of native vegetation restoration, as well as the collection of a robust datasets to inform future efforts. This will be […]
Bushfire Recovery
Starting on New Year’s Eve 2019, the Dunn’s Road and Green Valley fire burned 600 000 hectares across the Upper Murray and South West Slopes of NSW and NE Victoria. In NSW the communities of Batlow, Yaven Creek, Tumbarumba, Jingellic and Tumut were affected with properties, fencing and wildlife lost across the fire area. Mountain […]
Local Landcare
Local Landcare Coordinator The focus of The Murray Regional Landcare Facilitator Project is to engage Landcare and Producer Groups, support new groups and build capacity within existing groups that support sustainable farming and better environmental outcomes. There is a wonderful team of active volunteer and paid Landcare champions who all work together to promote and […]
Regional Landcare
Regional Landcare Coordinator (RLC) The focus of the Murray Regional Landcare Coordinator Project is to engage Landcare and Producer Groups, support Landcare Coordinators and new groups and build capacity within existing groups that support sustainable farming and better environmental outcomes. In the region there is a wonderful team of active volunteer and paid Landcare champions […]
Weather Stations
Holbrook Landcare has 4 weather stations in the area with the purpose of providing land managers with accurate, easily accessible, local data to enable more strategic management decisions on their farms. These weather stations now provide users with more accurate information on local soil water content and atmospheric conditions to assist with decisions regarding pasture […]
Phosphorus Budgeting Tool
For many farming enterprises, the application of phosphorus fertiliser is one of the largest annual expenses. Holbrook Landcare Network, as part of the ‘Carbon Farming and Your Business’ project, has developed a phosphorus budgeting tool which can be used in conjunction with soil testing. An annual fertiliser plan and budget can be developed by using […]
HLN Acid Soils Strategy
2022 Producer Support Strategy Acid soils are common in high rainfall, productive soils throughout south-eastern Australia. Subsurface (5–20cm) soil acidity particularly is often undetected by traditional soil testing methods and ineffectively treated by traditional “rule of thumb” liming techniques. New research has identified that a mind-shift is needed across Industry in the detection and treatment […]
Holbrook Self Drive Ecotour
The Holbrook Landcare Network Self-drive Ecotour is a showcase of the work that landholders have done to address issues such as salinity, erosion, declining water quality and loss of biodiversity in the landscape. It is a way to see and experience the environmental benefits of Landcare and the highlights of the Holbrook region. The Holbrook […]