The ‘Managing Soil Acidity in Permanent Pastures’ PDS is investigating the most effective top-dressed liming strategy in non-arable pasture systems where lime incorporation is not possible or preferred. It aims to demonstrate that improved monitoring of soil pH profiles and adapting liming application rates and timing to meet higher pH targets will improve pasture production and composition and therefore the profitability and sustainability of permanent pasture systems.
What’s on the agenda?
Topics to be covered on the day include:
- Background and update on the 3 local lime demonstration sites
- Effective ways of monitoring soil pH and assessing pastures
- Different approaches for effective acid soil management in pasture systems
- The molybdenum and lime relationship – knowing when and when not to apply
Guest speakers:
- Dr Jason Condon – Associate Professor in Soil Science, Charles Sturt University
- Helen Burns – Development Officer – Pastures, NSW DPI
- Nick McGrath – Project Officer – Soils, Holbrook Landcare Network
For more information and to register go to: