Testing Tropicals Field Day
Holbrook Landcare Network is hosting a Tropical Pastures field day as part of the MLA funded Testing Tropical Pastures Producer Demonstration Site (PDS). The day will allow producers and advisors to discuss the role of subtropical/tropical pasture species in southern NSW. Hear from 3 expert guest speakers and 2 producers already trialling some. Make sure […]
Henty Machinery Field Days
Birds on Farms Community planting

Soil Acidity and Salinity Workshop – Burrumbuttock
Holbrook Landcare Network and West Hume Landcare are holding a ‘Soil Acidity and Salinity Workshop’ this Thursday at the Wirraminna Environmental Educational Centre at Burrumbuttock. This breakfast event will provide an update of the local acid soil lime trial site where we have witnessed ground-breaking results in the high lime rate plots and the dramatic […]
Field Day – Managing Soil Acidity in Permanent Pastures
Holbrook Landcare Network is hosting a field day as part of the ‘Managing Soil Acidity in Permanent Pastures’ Producer Demonstration Site (PDS). The day will allow producers and advisors to discuss effective top-dressed liming strategies in permanent pastures in the southern slopes of NSW. Topics to be covered on the day include: Background and update […]
Managing Soil Acidity in Permanent Pastures: Producer Demonstration site – Field Day

Holbrook Landcare Network is hosting a field day as part of the ‘Managing Soil Acidity in Permanent Pastures’ Producer Demonstration Site (PDS). The day will allow producers and advisors to discuss effective top-dressed liming strategies in permanent pastures in the southern slopes of NSW. MLA’s PDS program supports producers to adapt, validate and demonstrate the […]
Farm-Scale Natural Capital Accounting Field Day

The Farm-scale Natural Capital Accounting project team invites you to a field day to demonstrate how farm-scale natural capital accounts are produced, what’s in them, and why producers should know about them. This will be an opportunity to see natural capital accounting in action, including how natural capital is assessed in the field, what the […]