Regional Landcare
Regional Landcare Coordinator (RLC)
The focus of the Murray Regional Landcare Coordinator Project is to engage Landcare and Producer Groups, support Landcare Coordinators and new groups and build capacity within existing groups that support sustainable farming and better environmental outcomes. In the region there is a wonderful team of active volunteer and paid Landcare champions who all work together to promote and improve connectivity between people, farming and nature.
The RLC in the Murray is a job share arrangement with Sandy Dellwo and Paula Sheehan. Sandy is the Regional Landcare Coordinator west based in Deniliquin. Paula is the Regional Landcare Coordinator east, and works from the Holbrook Landcare Network Office in Holbrook.

Sandy and Paula support the Murray Local Landcare Coordinators and also meets with Landcare, Producers, Industry and Community Groups to assist and engage them in running projects that deliver research and information on sustainable agriculture and improve environmental outcomes.
The Regional Landcare Coordinator is responsible for creating partnerships with regional and local organisations to increase awareness and raise the profile of Landcare in NSW and increase funding to facilitate projects both current and future.
The Regional Landcare Coordinator will work with the Local Landcare Coordinators, Project Managers, Landcare groups and networks and organisations in their area to support and empower them to achieve their own goals, to participate in Landcare activities, to partner with Local Land Services and to deliver on the target outcomes of the LP3 – NSW Landcare Program.

Murray Landcare Collective
Murray Landcare is a collective of community based, not for profit Landcare, Agriculture, Producer and Environmental Groups in the Murray Region of NSW. It has a focus on learning together through collective interaction and using our entrepreneurial skills to improve our resource base to deliver better natural resource management, sustainable agriculture and rural community development.
Learn more about Murray Landcare Collective.