Alligator Weed
Alligator Weed Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) is an invasive aquatic and terrestrial plant that poses a significant threat to waterways, floodplains, and agricultural lands. It is considered one of the world’s worst weeds due to its aggressive growth, ability to blanket water surfaces, and resistance to control measures. Impacts of Alligator Weed Environmental Impacts: Disrupts […]
Carbon Farming Outreach Program
The whole carbon thing is a confusing and constantly changing space that many Australian farmers and land managers, whilst they know is important in their futures, are hesitant to jump into. Farmers need to know how to measure and reduce on-farm emissions to successfully operate their businesses in the future ‘net zero’ economy. The good […]
Great Southern Bioblitz 2024

Great Southern Bioblitz 2024 Great Southern BioBlitz 2024 Pic Your Patch! We’re participating in the Great Southern BioBlitz again this year [#GSB2024], and we’d love you to get involved as well. This year we are trying to fill in some of the places in the Greater Hume area map that don’t have any records yet. So why […]
On-Farm Labour
Supporting On-Farm Labour During the Dry Times In mid-2023 it became apparent that like many regions Holbrook and its local producers have been facing the challenge of attracting and retaining young, skilled workers on-farm. To tackle this issue Holbrook Landcare Network, with the support of the Southern NSW Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub have […]
Robust Weather Stations
Robust Weather Stations All of Australia’s 3G networks will shutdown by 30 June 2024, which means we need to upgrade our stations over the coming months if we want to keep them going. This will come at a significant cost, and we are currently exploring ways to pay for this. If you use our weather […]
Saving Our Soils – Stock Management Areas Tarcutta Workshop
Making Stock Management Areas Manageable Sheep Workshop – Tarcutta NSW This was our second Stock Containment Workshop, hosted by Tarcutta local Producer, Andrew Hindmarsh on his ‘Glenburn’ Property. With the focus on utilising containment areas in sheep operations, our presenters: Former DPI Livestock Officer, Greg Meaker and Agrista Consultant, Tanisha Shields both demonstrated once […]
Saving Our Soils – Stock Management Areas Table Top Workshop
Making Stock Management Areas Manageable Cattle Workshop – Table Top NSW Project Officer, Jess Armstrong, bought together industry experts, Greg Meaker (former DPI Livestock Officer), Tanisha Shields (Agrista) and a group of local producers to discuss the essential considerations for using Stock Management Areas in their cattle enterprises. Held on the 6th June at […]
Saving Our Soils – Strategic Feed Budgeting for Sheep Containment Mullengandra Workshop
Strategic Feed Budgeting for Sheep Containment Ewes and Lambs Workshop – Mullengandra NSW Presented by Jim Meckiff from JM Livestock, the 3rd workshop in our FDF Saving our Soils – Stock Containment project saw us venture down to Old Cobran Poll Merino Stud, Mullengandra. Our host was local producer Matthew Martin. We started our morning in […]
Upper Murray Creeks and Woodlands
Upper Murray Creeks and Woodlands Project Overview Funding: NSW Environmental Trust Restoration and Rehabilitation Duration: 2020-2023 Location: Upper Murray Riparian Zone In 2019, we were successful in our application for the NSW Environmental Trust Restoration and Rehabilitation Grant for some work in Upper Murray riparian environments. This had been initiated by landholders expressing interest in […]
Farm Water
On-Farm Water Management Planning The On-Farm Water Management Planning Project is funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, supported by the Southern NSW Drought Resilience, Adoption, and Innovation Hub and is being rolled out by a brilliant network of Farming System and Landcare organisations across the SNSW footprint. Our goal through this project is […]