11th October 2023
Come hear about recent project results from a gibberellic acid and urea strip trial on sub-tropical pasture. A chance to hear producer experiences growing sub-tropicals and other pasture mixes in Southern NSW. Come along with any trial ideas for the upcoming sub-tropical growing season.

Hear from Dr Mark Norton (NSW DPI Pasture and Crop Physiologist/Agronomist) & Hannah Fahey (Development Officer) on project results to date of mixed species and single species fodder crops, offering flexibility to grazing systems by filling the autumn/winter feed gap. Hear about the livestock production considerations and benefits of mixed species fodder crops in the mixed farming region.

Hear from Steven Scott (owner) and Neale Terlich (manager) of Scotts Angus about recently established pastures including:
- Digit grass & sub clover
- Lucerne/ryegrass/oats mix
- Multi-species fodder crops
- 2023 sown Phalaris/sub clover
Join us for a field walk of these paddocks
Bookings via Humanitix at https://events.humanitix.com/pastures-update