Our Staff

Dr Alison Southwell
Alison joined HLN in 2021 after a 19 year career as an agricultural scientist and lecturer at Charles Sturt University. Alison completed a PhD in native grassland ecophysiology before turning her attention to teaching and researching pasture management, agricultural systems and extension, workplace learning and curriculum design. In addition to HLN, Alison manages a commercial finewool Merino enterprise and is mother to two little girls.

Kylie Durant
Kylie has worked in natural resource management in the eastern Murray since 2001 and has a Bachelor of Environmental Management and Ecology from LaTrobe University. She is currently managing Birds on Farms, Refreshing the Upper Billabong and other NRM projects.
Kylie’s passionate about translating science and knowledge and the “big picture” to practical solutions and outcomes on the ground.
0418 198 522

Nick McGrath
Nick has a mixed farming background. He has a Bachelor of Environmental Science (Conservation and Management) from Charles Sturt University (Albury) and is currently completing a Graduate Certificate in Agriculture. Nick has worked in the soil science field for the past 13 years for both private and government sectors in NSW and the Northern Territory and joined HLN in 2020.
0488 155 101

Paula Sheehan
Paula has a Bachelor of Forest Management Science from Melbourne University, and has worked in natural resource management in Victoria, Tasmania and NSW. As a natural progression from this Paula became involved in landcare as a Project Officer, then as Local Landcare Coordinator, and is currently the Regional Landcare Coordinator in the Murray Region.
0407 873 396

Rachael Daniel
Rachael Daniel is our Local Landcare Coordinator. Coming from Tumbarumba, Rachael is part of a family farming enterprise, comprising of a self-replacing, fine wool Merino flock and an Angus breeding herd.
Rachael has her Bachelor of Environmental Science with two minors in Indigenous Studies and Interpretation from CSU, and previously worked for NPWS as a Discovery Ranger/interpretive guide at Yarrangobilly before coming to work at HLN.
0428 992 607

Jess Armstrong
Jess hails from a family owned and operated sheep and cattle station on the saltbush rangelands of Far-Western NSW. She brings with her a diverse background in Landcare, Rural Merchandise, Ag-Tech Services, a passion for Youth in Ag, and increasing NRM and Agricultural production capacity across rural communities.
Jess joins us as our Community Engagement Officer and Knowledge Broker for the SNSW Innovation Hub while she continues to study a Bachelor of Environmental Science specialising in Applied Earth Sciences with Charles Sturt University (Albury).
0498 683 152

Judy Kirk
Judy is passionate about Landcare, the environment, biodiversity, and community engagement. Judy is in the final stages of completing a Bachelor of Science (Plant Science major and Conservation Biology minor) with Charles Sturt University and has completed studies in Land Management – Natural Area Restoration, Facilitation and Project Management.
Judy comes to us with a Landcare background and has been working as a Local Landcare Coordinator, Community Support Officer, and Project Officer for the past 8 years in the Murray Region. Prior to this, Judy worked in natural resource management and community engagement, she is also the co-founder and coordinator for the local Woomargama National Park Volunteer Group.
0427 043 097

Sandy Dellwo
Sandy is a passionate advocate for natural resource management, sustainable agriculture, and the Landcare movement, and has recently started with HLN, sharing the Regional Landcare Coordinator (RLC) role with Paula Sheehan.
As an RLC, sandy works closely with local groups and organisations, supporting their efforts in the Murray region. Sandy brings extensive community engagement experience, including her previous role as Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator. With a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and a Diploma of Education (Primary), Sandy combines her knowledge and experience to empower Landcare initiatives.
Outside of work, Sandy enjoys life on a mixed farming property in Deniliquin with her husband and three sons.
0429 120 679

Stephanie (Steph) Cowley
Steph graduated from Charles Sturt University with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 2020, and has worked as an agronomist (specialising in pastures) in southwest Victoria, and as property overseer in the Holbrook area. A key component of this latter role included optimising pasture production through rotational grazing and managing seasonal feed deficits.
Steph is passionate about improving natural resources and sustainable pasture outcomes, which is why she is managing our Testing Tropical Pastures and Resilient Pastures projects.
0467 025 777

Jo Scobie
Jo joined HLN mid 2021 to increase capacity of engagement for Landholders in the Mountain Landcare area and assist with delivering projects within the scope of Bush Fire Recovery Projects. Jo is local to Tumbarumba and is passionate about increasing awareness of and improving biodiversity in the area.
0458 482 323

Rita Bowler
Rita has always been a Holbrook local and is active in a wide range of community groups. She has a Diploma of Applied Science (Ag), Bachelor of Arts (with majors in History & Geography) & DipEd (Ag & Science) from Charles Sturt University. She has worked as a woolclasser and other rural contracting jobs and is also involved in running a family farm at Holbrook.
(02) 6036 3181

Georgia MacDougall
Georgia grew up in Young on a small sheep property and holds a Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Commerce from ANU. She has a Chartered Accounting background in auditing and financial accounting, and previously worked in Local Government at Tumbarumba in a range of roles, from strategy to Economic Development.
Georgia lives with her family on a beef cattle property at Mullengandra.
0402 404 532

Peter Rowland
Peter is passionate about wildlife and the environment, and brings a diverse suite of qualifications and experience to his role. He has completed studies in Conservation and Land Management, Agriculture, IT, Auditing and Training, and his past work roles have included: farm allrounder, 20 yrs in vertebrate collections with the Australian Museum, biodiversity consultant, and teacher for TAFE NSW and Conservation Volunteers Australia.
Peter has authored 15 books on Australian wildlife (winning a Whitley Award for one), published five scientific papers on the birds of Australasia, and penned a regular birding column for the Australian Geographic Magazine.
0414 901 080