Why Join Holbrook Landcare Network?
Holbrook Landcare Network is a vibrant & professional network; servicing local land managers drive economic, social & environmental sustainability in the high rainfall farming areas of Southern NSW.
Drop into the office, call our friendly staff or join online now by downloading your member pack (below).
HLN ‘s active ‘year-round’ calendar of events and programs are designed around member priorities and community feedback.
Holbrook Landcare Network has maintained a strong community focus on sustainability for more than 30 years and we have been servicing our members, as a Landcare Network, for over a decade.
As a member, we invite you to share your ideas and ‘be heard’ on local and regional issues.
Members Services:
- Regular e-newsletters including agricultural extension, community programs and activities, agricultural and environmental news and information,
- Current calendar of events,
- Revegetation & habitat incentives,
- Free and subsidised training programs,
- Farming discussion groups and research trials,
- Extensive resource library including journals, magazines, newsletters, research papers and books,
- Property/farm spatial mapping,
- Group leadership and lobbying influence at a local, regional and industry level.
Holbrook Landcare Network manages an Equipment Lending Register for members (Refundable Deposit Required).
Members may borrow:
- tree planters (pottaputki’s) and kidney trays for tree planting,
- soil samplers, dig sticks and GPS units for annual soil testing ,
- scouting cameras for wildlife monitoring,
- ripper-mounder attachment for site preparation.
Farmers find HLN’s basic farm mapping service to be useful for farm planning purposes. HLN members can request a printed farm map for a small donation.
Holbrook Landcare Membership
- Individual Membership $99 for 3 years
- Family Membership $165 for 3 years
- Business Membership $275 for 3 years (Ideal for a single business entity, including partnerships and companies)
- NOTE: Two businesses will require two separate memberships.
Membership Payment Options:
Please note a single year option is also available:
- Individual $44/year
- Family $77/year
- Business $143/year
- Field Day special, Individual $20 for first year of membership
Details for Electronic Banking:
Account Name: Holbrook Landcare Group Ltd
BSB: 082-646
Account No: 16-446-9809