Native Plant Giveaway & Brekky with The Lot
As Birds on Farms project participants you are invited to collect some plants to help create or enhance woodland bird habitat at your place. Help Save Birds. Save Life.
In partnership with West Hume Landcare and Squirrel Glider LAMP, the Birds on Farms project needs your help Saving the Nectar Sippers.
There will be two opportunities to collect your plants – Sunday 2 July (after our Brekky with the Lot event) and Tuesday 4 July. See flyer attached.
Please respond ASAP with your planting project information. Orders and event RSVPs can be placed using this online form: https://forms.office.com/r/mwj6Cx2VKe or https://form.jotform.com/231547767293871.
Kathie (West Hume Landcare), Lou (Squirrel Glider LAMP) and Ben, Darcy and Rhonda (BirdLife Australia).
[Native Plant Giveaways will also be taking place at Corowa on 22nd July and Holbrook on 23rd July] – Please consider which location is most applicable to you.
Further info contact:
Lou Bull – Squirrel Glider LAMP project officer
(m) 0458 240 634 (e) [email protected]
Kathie LeBusque – West Hume Landcare Co-ordinator
(m) 0408 443 261 (e) [email protected]