Farm Water Audit Lunch Litre Webinar Series Part 1: Quantifying your Farm Water Requirements

Ready to find out how much water you really need in a dry season but don’t have a full day to attend a Farm Water Management Planning workshop?

Register for a Lunch Litre with Holbrook Landcare Network!

Holbrook Landcare Network is running an online Farm Water Audit Series during October-November.

Consisting of three online lunch-time webinars, this series breaks down the Farm Water Audit process into bite-sized chunks to help you understand your farm’s water needs.

This link registers you for Part One: Quantifying your Farm Water Requirements

In our first Lunch Litre Jess and the Team will set the scene to prepare you to tackle your farm water audit. While covering the importance of knowing what your drought or dry time plan is, Part One of the online Farm Water Audit series challenges you test how well you know your livestock and their requirements as well as your everyday household, bushfire, and farm management water requirements we often overlook.

This is the first out of three sessions to be run. To get the best experience and cover all aspects of the farm water audit process it is strongly recommended that farmers register and attend all three sessions.

If you’d like to receive a Farm Water Kit, containing a DamDeep Tool, Farm Water Audit Workbook and other useful resources to help you develop your Farm Water Management Plan, please include your postage address, or nominate to collect from the Holbrook Landcare Network Office on registration.

You can register for the Part 2 (12th November) and Part 3 (26th November) below…

Part 2: Estimating Tank and Storage Capacity

Part 3: Quantifying Losses and How Long Water Will Last

For more information on this event, and other like this, contact Jess Armstrong via email [email protected] or phone 0498683152.

This event has received funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and supported by the Southern NSW Drought Resilience, Adoption and Innovation Hub. 


Oct 29 2024


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm




Holbrook Landcare
02 60363181
[email protected]