Grazing for Growth
Utilising the Australian Feedbase Monitor for Stock Containment Decisions
Hosted by Holbrook Landcare Network and Harden-Murrumburrah Landcare, we are excited to have CiboLab’s Alastair Rayner and Team presenting their 1-Day Grazing for Growth Workshop in early June.
With a focus on exploring how CiboLabs’s Australian Feedbase Monitor and PastureKey technology can be used to develop and implement feed budgets in your program. Join us while we also demonstrate how these tools can be utilised to make better timing decisions into and out of stock containment feeding systems ensuring pasture and ground cover preservation during dry times.
When: Monday, 3rd June
Time: 9am – 4:30pm* (To be confirmed)
Location: Harden (Venue to be confirmed)
Register your interest for this upcoming workshop here https://events.humanitix.com/grazing-for-growth-utilising-the-australian-feedbase-monitor-for-stock-containment-decisions