Testing Tropicals Field Day

Holbrook Landcare Network is hosting a Tropical Pastures field day as part of the Testing Tropical Pastures Producer Demonstration Site (PDS). The day will allow producers and advisors to discuss the role of subtropical/tropical pasture species in southern NSW.

The Testing Tropicals PDS aims to demonstrate whether trialling sub-tropical/tropical pasture species will provide southern graziers with an alternate summer feed option to utilise increasing summer rainfall, displace summer weeds and provide a problem-free alternative to lucerne. In demonstrating the above, the PDS will also examine the factors that affect establishment, management principals and the incorporation of sub-tropical/tropical species into temperate pastures.

What’s on the agenda?

  • Hear from guest speakers about key management factors and considerations for trialing sub-tropical/tropical pasture species, as well as from producers about their experiences and learnings about managing sub-tropical species and the role they play in livestock systems.

  • Field walk – looking at top dressed urea application trial strips in a digit grass paddock

Guest speakers:

  • Suzanne Boschma – Senior Research Scientist, NSW DPI

  • Bob Freebairn – Agricultural Consultant, Coonabarabran NSW


Apr 14 2023


9:30 am - 12:30 pm

More Info

Registration at


Emma Smith
[email protected]
Registration at